Magic Candles - Guide to incenses

Magic Candles - Guide to incenses

Another great tool at your disposal: incense or a smudge stick. 

This is relatively inexpensive and easy to purchase—if there are no stores near selling it, you can find here at the Mystic Artemis Shop ✨

Not only does incense help to center you, increase your focus, and bring beauty into your personal space, but certain types of incense are believed to have specific spiritual properties, which can be used to reinforce and amplify your intention.Below, a list of the most common incenses and their uses: 

Dragon’s Blood: strength, courage, potency, chasing out negative energy, extra power for any ritual; 

Frankincense: purification, good fortune; 

Jasmine: love-drawing, sensuality, relaxation, mood-enhancement; 

Lavender: Healing, de-stressing, sleeping well; 

Myrrh: often paired with frankincense, healing and meditation aid;

Nag Champa: purification, clearing of negative energy, meditation aid;

Patchouli: prosperity, abundance, fertility, love and lust and sensuality; 

Rose: love, beauty, devotion and healing; 

Sandalwood: tranquility, peace, banishing negative energy; 

Rosemary & Sage: protection, purification, cleanse bad energies; 

Bringing incense into your candle-magic practice is simple: When you light your candle, light your incense as well. Watch both of them release smoke skyward, and visualize your intention floating up along-side it. 

With love, 

Adriellen Oliveira xx 



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