Magic Candles - Guide to Oils

Magic Candles - Guide to Oils

You can also anoint your candle in oil to enhance its effect.

Anointing is easy: just put a dollop of oil in your palm, and rub it all over the candle before you burn it. 
In terms of choosing an oil, as always, basically anything goes. You’re probably best off starting with an essential oil, as they’re relatively inexpensive and really available—or you can even use oils that you have lying around the house, like coconut oil or grapeseed oil. 

Below, some of the most common essential oils and their properties: 

Avocado - love, beauty, sensuality;

Bergamot - enhancing joy & strength, clearing the mind, attracting good fortune; 

Cedarwood - healing, confidence, rejuvenation, soothing anxiety; 

Chamomile - prosperity, happiness, relaxation;

Coconut - purification, protection; 

Eucalyptus - healing, mental clarity, protection; 

Grapeseed - mental clarity, prosperity, fertility; 

Lavender - healing, relaxation, good dreams and deep sleep; 

Olive - healing, protection, abundance, love—sometimes, considered an “all-purpose oil.” 

Peppermint - healing, purification, mental & spiritual enhancement; 

Rosemary - protection, purification, loyalty, love; 

Tea Tree - cleansing, mood enhancement, removing blocked energy; 

Feel free to experiment and combine different oils. You don’t have to anoint the candle every time you light it; think of it as a dressing for the first time you burn it. 

With love, 

Adriellen Oliveira xx 





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