Magic Candles

Magic Candles

 Candle magic is a potent form of spell casting that's endured for centuries in various forms.

Think of candles lit outside or inside a church, or, in ancient days, of offerings of incense and other valuables lit aflame as a gift to the gods. You've probably already engaged in some basic candle magic yourself if you've made a wish on a birthday cake. At its most basic, candle magic requires just three things: a candle, something to light with it, and a specific intention. As long as you have these, you'll be able to perform any type of spell or manifestation, however, if you want to get more in-depth and technical, there are a variety of other tools at your disposal: oils to dress the candle with, incense, vigils, and crystals, to name a few. 

Think of the flame as a symbol for the sun: it represents pure will, raw energy ready to be channelled into your desired outcome. We refer to this desired outcome as your intention - it's whatever you want to happen because of your spell. Everyone's spiritual practice is different, but generally speaking, it's good to start by carefully envisioning what you want before you ask the universe for it. If you're asking for love, for instance, meditate on what you'll feel like once you've found your partner, what type of qualities they'll have, and what they'll bring out in you. Imagine falling sleep next to them and waking up beside them.

If you want to summon career success, imagine exactly what you want: creative freedom? respect? financial freedom? a huge salary? whatever you want is fair game, and you should have no qualms about asking for it - unless it's intentionally harmful to someone else, in which case you might want to reconsider, lest negative energy comes back to you. (If there's a specific, malicious person in your life you want to deal with using candle magic, there are ways to handle them without doing direct harm.)

Once you've visualised your desire, put your intention into specific, clear terms. Some witches think manifestation works best if you phrase your wish as thought it's already come true - I'm so happy with my supportive partner who makes me laugh every day and appreciates my wholly; I feel valued and empowered at my new writing job, and the work I do is rewarding and high-paying; etc. - but the exact verbiage is up to what resonates with you. Once your candle is prepared, you will light the flame while focusing intently on this thought. 

An important note: It's inadvisable to leave the candle burning when you're not at home, as it's an obvious fire hazard. If you leave before the candle burns fully down, do not blow it out. That's spiritually equivalent to snuffing your wish! Instead, put it out with your fingers or a candle snuffer. 

Again, any spell with a candle, a light, and an intention will be powerful enough on its own! But you can enhance the intention by customising the candle colour, by carving it runes or symbols, by anointing it with oils, by burning incense beside it, and by placing it near crystals that channel the same energy you wish to harness. 

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1 comment

I got a self-love spell candle during a live session, and since then, I’ve felt better. It’s like I’ve detached from someone who didn’t value me, and I feel much more free.


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