Magic Candles - Guide to Crystals

Crystals too, will amplify your candle's power;

Just place one(or several) nearby for the duration of the burn. As with everything else in spellcraft work, different crystals are believed to have different properties. There are countless different types of the most common and powerful, along with their spiritual uses: 

Amethyst: calming and tranquillity, psychic protection, dispelling negative energy, balance; 

Aquamarine: calming, soothing, cleansing, healing, courage, breaking bad habits;

Black Tourmaline: protection, cleansing, grounding, banishing bad energy;

Citrine: good luck, confidence, abundance, creativity;

Clear Quartz: healing, cleansing, energy amplification, mental clarity;

Jade: purity, tranquillity, love, courage, prosperity;

 Obsidian: shielding against negativity and psychic attacks, cleansing, grounding, protection;

Rose Quartz: love, romance, self-love, sensuality, emotional healing, heart-opening;

Selenite: peace and calm, clarity, removing blocks, purification, charging other crystals;



Any questions, leave a comment down below! 

With love, 

Adriellen Oliveira xx 


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