Setting your altar/creating sacred spaces

An altar is a place, however small, that's yours and yours alone. It's a sacred space where you can go for healing, inspiration, spiritual, rituals, spellwork or just to recentre yourself after a stressful day. 

An altar is a place to put all your favourite meaningful and magical items on display, ready for enchantment any time they're needed. The size of your altar don't matter - what matters is it's your space and you feel good in it. So don't delay - sort out your altar today!

An altar of your own 

Setting up an altar shouldn't be too difficult. First, choose a piece of furniture to use as an altar. Re-purpose or buy a second-hand table or cabinet. You could also use a small wall shelf, bedside table or even a windowsill as an altar. Some people have a permanent altar, while others who have limited space might use a drawer or a shelf on a book case. If space is really tight, find a box to keep your magical objects safe and private, and take them out and place them on top of the box when in use. Most importantly, make sure you can sit comfortably and quietly at your altar.

When it comes to choosing where to put your altar, trust your instincts. Where do you feel most present, spiritually connected and content? Try some different options. Your altar can be anywhere. It can be indoors or outdoors. You could choose a table in a green space outside in nature, or carry out a box of altar items when you need to. Or you can place your altar in a permanent special place, like a bedroom that is quiet, like dimly lit and easy to relax in. An altar is personal to you, and it may change, so if you feel like changing or moving your altar after a while, go for it. There's no right or wrong way to make or place an altar - it's your space, and only yours.

Sacred Set-Ups  

Now for the really fun part - setting up your altar. Let's say you have opted for a table altar: how should you place your items on it for maximum witchy wondrousness? 

Witches believe that it's important to incorporate the four elements of the universe that are essential to life - Earth, Air, Water and Fire - into their practice. These four elements control the weather, life and the development of every living thing on earth. So, try to include things that symbolise these four elements on your altar. For example, you could have stones, plants or flowers to represent Earth; candles, incense or oil burners to represent Fire: a bowl of water, seashells or sea glass to represent Water and a feather, wind chimes or a diffuser to represent Air. The elements are also linked to different directions, so place the groups of items you choose at the points of the compass on your altar. Items linked to the Earth element should sit north, Air at east, Fire at south and Water at west. 

Own it!

Don't stop there... use your imagination and add some flair! Choose other meaningful altar items to add to your collection. You can add anything that holds significance to you such as jewellery, charms or books. You could hang a witch's ladder for good energy and protection above the altar, or drape fabric of a particular colour over the surface. You might want to refresh your altar on the changing of the seasons or on sabbat days. You may also need a small cabinet or box for herbs and oils and other objects you want to use in rituals.

Note: Sabbat days are seasonal festivals observed by witches throughout the year, which usually consist of the main solar events and the mid-points between them. They celebrate the Earth's trips around the Sun. 


Any doubts, leave your comment below!

With love, 

Adriellen Oliveira xx

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